Neo4j > Basics > Installation

In this section, I will explain how to install Neo4j in most of the popular operating systems such as windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

Windows OS

You can install Neo4j easily by using a windows installer as explained in the following steps:

1- Go to Neo4j download page.

2- Choose and download the version that goes with your windows architecture.

3- Open the installer and follow the promote steps.

A more advanced method to have more control over the installation can be done using the Windows PowerShell Module supported by Neo4j. For more details about how to use the PowerShell, please have a look to the documentation.


To install Neo4j in Linux systems, you can easily use the apt-get package manager as shown blow:

sudo apt-get install neo4j=2.3.1

Another way to install Neo4j in Linux-based systems, is by using the distribution package as shown below:

1- Go to Neo4j download page.

2- Choose and download the appropriate version based on your platform.

3- Extract the downloaded tar file using the below command:

tar -xf <filename>

4- Start the server using the command:

Run: ./bin/neo4j console


Neo4j provides a dmg installer that you can use to install Neo4j as shown below:

1- Go to Neo4j download page.

2- Download the dmg file.

3- Open the installer then drag the Neo4j icon to the application folder.

The server can be started and stopped from using the terminal commands "neo4j start" and "neo4j stop".